January 2, 2014

Room for Him

This is a Five Minute Friday Post. If you're a blogger, write with us in 2014, seriously do it!
image from Red Letter Words 

It was a funny scene in which Jeb couldn't remember his simple line, "There is no room in the inn." 

I laughed yesterday and today again when thinking about this scene. Jeb in all his nervousness even joked it was the most important line. Joked because clearly Mary and Joseph seemed to carry more important stage roles in the celebration of our king's birth.

Jeb had something right. That having no room in the inn is what we need to remember. For as I was reminded this morning when I had to fight to care to see God is that sometimes I room out of room for Him. Between serving my family, working hard, investing in friends and family, reading up on some great blogs, there is no room left for my Jesus. He is left out, kept out from the living room of my life. 

This morning I needed to fight for a word from Him. In all the things I could search and do, he wanted me to choose Him. And when I fought {a little} through the tangles of distraction and limits of time, He gave me this:

For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God. {Deut. 4:24}

And oh how humbled am I. 


  1. So true! I had to fight to get my Bible reading in this morning. Some days it's easier to fight than others. Thank you for reminding me that we must fight to keep Him first place!

    1. Glad to know I'm not alone, praying we don't miss out though!

  2. I am over from Lisa-Jo's blog. I struggle to find time for Him too. I tell Him how much I love Him, but then everyone and everything else seems to capture my attention. Sigh ... I can relate.

    Bless you!

    1. Hi Beth,

      Thanks for reading & sharing your struggle too. May we overcome & fix our eyes on Him, author & perfecter of our faith.

      Take care, Rachel

  3. Fight for that special time with him friend! Thank you for sharing on FMF!

  4. I so get that fight for time with Him. Oh we are so easily distracted. But oh how precious that time with Him is. So why do we make it so hard? I ask myself that all the time! Great post! Glad you followed me on Twitter and led me here today.

    1. Yes LIFE is found in Him, so I pray we seek Him without delay! Blessings to you!

  5. Hi rachel, so nice to meet you! And what a beautiful and so true first Five Minute Friday post!
