May 10, 2013

The lie: You are not good.

On Five Minute Fridays, we love to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not. For five minutes give or take. This Friday's prompt is Comfort.
It's been with me so long I've gotten comfortable with it. 

This tiny little lie that snuck into my life and has been taking root and reaching farther as years go by:

You are not good.

It's evident I've believed in the way I try and define myself by accomplishment, by pleasing others, by striving, by striving, by striving. It's shows up in the way I look at other women and sigh silently to myself thinking oh I have failed.

It's trying when I look in the mirror and make apologies for what I see, as if I weren't beautiful. It's exhausting to try and build myself up through efforts and cover my shame in so many ways. Comfort can be terrible when you're comfortable with the wrong thing. 

Time to change the script:

Not only I am good, I am very good.

Not built up by temporary status, but by a great and true affirmation from the only one who can speak on me:

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

Take root big truth.

Five Minute Friday
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  1. Fantastic post. Honest and raw, and so beautiful. Be blessed by this big truth!

    1. Thanks for your support! It was a hard one to post, but good to reveal as well.

  2. Great post. Now off to explore the rest of your blog!! Xx

    1. Thanks, so glad you are here and I hope we connect more.

  3. Yes, take root great truth!!! I love the line: "Comfort can be terrible when you're comfortable with the wrong thing." Wow--that's powerfully said and extremely true. I love where you went with the prompt. Stopping by from FMF!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, glad you share in the truth!

  4. Amen! Take root big truth. Enough said. Believing with you today.

  5. I would love for you to share your favorite posts and link up at my TGIF Link Party.
    The party opens Thursday night and closes on Wednesday night at midnight.

    Please, invite your friends to party too! The more the merrier!

    Hugs, Cathy
